Wednesday’s Wanderings – 06/02/2013

Wednesday’s Wanderings Disclaimer

All of my other blogs will, I intend, be structured, cohesive and eloquent. Wednesday’s Wanderings will be full of colloquialisms (I just cut ‘on the other hand’ from this sentence), philosophical interjections which hold no weight or bearing and will probably never be elaborated on and random trains of thought that may offend, disturb and/or annoy those of you with moral and ethical hearts.

This leads directly into my topic for today.

The Line

“ You’ve crossed the line”

“That’s out of line”

How many times have we heard these phrases in our lifetime? What does it mean to you?

This is a huge issue with me. I speak openly about everything. I purposefully turn my speech filter off as I would rather be 100% honest and hurt someone’s feelings than lie. This imaginary line that I perceive to be ones threshold of truth – where truth becomes to blunt, plain honest, realistic and logical that emotions flair up and get in the way.

I myself do not tow this ’line’. I hold no ill feelings towards those that speak candidly of me, on the assumption that it is said to my face. I do however begrudge anyone who dare act one way to my face and another behind my back. Not least because I can read peoples faces better than most (a topic for another day) but also because the duality of man lies only in their choice to split personalities (also a topic for another day).

Back to ‘the line’. In what situation does one cross ‘the line‘?

In my experience replacing a white lie with the truth is hurtful but does not do any undue harm in the long run. However, replacing silence with the truth is harmful. This is where lines are crossed. More often than not this is done without thinking. A harmless, off the cuff statement of fact or opinion that someone takes offence to. Herein lies my issue.

The line is crossed when one person takes offence to another’s statement.

As Spock once said “Logic clearly dictates that the need of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” “Or One” as Kirk interjects.

Now. If the statement was a statement of FACT my gripe becomes that of logic. If a fact is stated, assuming that the fact is based on proof and can be justified in discussion, then no feelings should be affected. A fact is a fact. You cannot argue feelings over fact. The logic stands. Logic is, in my eyes, the be all and end all of everything. One person getting butt-hurt over a single statement of fact does not nullify the fact. No line was crossed. The person that tries to argue that feelings should be taken into account when making a statement of fact is not thinking logically. All arguments can, and should be solved by fact, not feelings. Feelings are individual, illogical and vary wildly from person to person. To the person that gets hurt by a statement of fact, I pity you.

On the other hand, if the statement was a statement of OPINION my gripe is irrelevant. I cannot argue my opinion on a topic against another without fact. Opinions vary as do feelings. Which is why they go hand in hand in many arguments. I for instance feel that a worldwide euthanasia of certain people would be beneficial to our generation and that of future generations. My problem occurs when people argue that Hitler had the same idea. This is fact. The opinion battles comes when I explain that I don’t want to wipe out races. I want to removes burdens from society. This then crosses ethical boundaries. One’s that are quantifiable as ‘lines’. The Human Rights Act and the democracies that are in control of all major powers throughout the world prevent anyone from carrying out the acts that go with my opinions. My argument is: I have not crossed a line. As quantifiable as ethics are, they are still based on opinion and until opinions can be proved they can never be fact. Without fact you cannot determine ‘a line’. For this reason statements of opinion should hold no bearing on the feelings of others as you cannot change an opinion with an opinion. State fact or ignore. Simple, logical solutions which hold no emotional bearing.

These are simple things that I live by which leave me free of worry. I have my opinions, that I voice in openly but not in an effort to convert, I am not the Pope, I also do not hope others hold my opinions against me as I do not hold theirs against them. Painting all with one brush because of a simple statement of opinion is close minded and illogical. If you want to have more meaningful conversations which may result in you learning something that you were not previously aware of then an open, logical mind is a necessity. Without it you come across ignorant, bigoted and stupid, for lack of a better word.

With this I leave you a with my closing statement (of opinion) for today.

Logic and fact trumps opinion and emotions. For a more fruitful learning experience do not hold your opinions in higher esteem until they become fact. Also, try not to get butt-hurt when others say something that is opposite to your thinking. Maybe they know something you don’t. Learn before dismissing.